Our Leaders

Our Leaders

Leadership in the local church is something God takes seriously and so do we. We are a church that is led by our chief shepherd, Jesus Christ. We are guided by a plurality of pastor/elders who work in conjunction with our own leaders and shepherds. We are congregationally affirmed and believe strongly in the priesthood of all believers.

Pastor/Elder: Nathan Piotrowski
Ruth, kids: Lydia, Mayah, and Joel
B.S. from USAF Academy, Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary
Favorite Books:
The Bible, Desiring God by John Piper, Knowing God by J.I. Packer, Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards


Pastor/Elder: Randy Rankens
Terry, kids: Rachel, Sam, and Sam spouse Cyn.
Grand kids: Taylor and Luke.


B.S. Business Cameron State College, Lawton Oklahoma.

Favorite Books: The Bible

Pastor/Elder: Scott Renalds